Modeling “Abundance”

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
As you look out onto “the NLP community” does it strike you (as it does me) that we have an abundance of the Scarcity Model and a Scarcity of the Abundance Model? We talk about, and even presuppose, a Model of Abundance, and yet as a community we seem to live and act more according to a Model of Scarcity.

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William James and the NLP Model

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Just how close did William James come to inventing NLP? When you read his classic work (1892/1961), Psychology: The Briefer Course, he seemed to come very close to many of the formulations that we now recognize as part of the NLP model of human functioning and consciousness.

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To John Grinder’s Challenges in “Whispering in the Wind”

To John Grinder’s Challenges in “Whispering in the Wind”
The following articles was written after the publication of Whispering in the Wind in response to the challenges that John Grinder presented to me (or to M. Hall) as he addressed me repeatedly in his book. I wrote the articles to answer his questions in a straightforward and honest way, but then he immediately commented that he was “tired” of the debate and didn’t want to do it any longer. Since John refuses to put my answers to his challenges on his website and to engage in an honest scholarly dialogue, I have collected the articles that I wrote in 2002 —2003 and put in this format. Please feel free to distribute this file to John and to anyone in his “camp” of NLP. Michael

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Avoiding Cult-Like Pitfalls that Could Arise in Neuro-Semantics

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
I was recently in Geneva, Switzerland where I presented the Genius track with Brief’r Formations in the full seven days. That meant three days of Accessing Personal Genius (APG) and four days of Living Personal Genius (LPG). On this occasion my translator was Henry Roux de Bezieux and one evening he brought up the subject of how NLP has been confused with cults in Europe and how the charges have undermined its influence.

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