Thinking For Humans





“Thinking is very hard work.

And management fashions are a wonderful substitute for thinking.”
Tom Davenport

“Peter F. Drucker, CIO Magazine, 1997

I have written Thinking For Humans because of what I believe aboutThinking for Humans 2024
thinking and about its incredibly extensive effects within the human

Here’s what I believe:
The quality of your life is the quality of your thinking.
To be “fully alive/fully human” requires the ability to truly and
authentically think and think for yourself.
Thinking lies at the core of everything that we do that’s human.
As you think, so you are and so you are becoming. Your thinking
defines you and shapes your inner self and “personality.”
The quality of your beliefs, decisions, emotions, memories,
knowledge, imaginations, etc. depends on the quality of your

To manage your thinking requires that you think about your
thinking, to use your meta-cognition to meta-think.
Meta-thinking enables a special kind of learning— meta-learning by
which you can then manage the quality of your thinking.

An Untaught Essential
While thinking is the most fundamental thing you do, the great majority of
people have never been taught how to truly think. That’s because at school
we are taught what to think; we are not taught how to think. Thinking was,
and continues to be, assumed and taken for granted. It should not.
Consequently, the great majority of people are poor thinkers. Their thinking
is superficial and is easily dominated and distorted by emotions. As the
quality of their thinking is low, this causes most of their problems in life.
Shockingly, we mostly think our way into difficulties as we fail to discern
quality information, make bad decisions, engage in stupid actions, create
disastrous relationships, etc. All of that sabotages one’s best efforts. The…..