The Meta-Coach System® provides the most cutting edge communication training available in the world today for Professional Coaches and any individual or organisation committed to rich relationships and success.
Meta-Coaching® is a powerful coaching methodology that transcends traditional Performance Coaching, taking you to higher levels - to experience Developmental and Transformational change.
That is why we call it 'meta' meaning a higher level. At these levels profound change and growth occurs naturally and easily. The result is success and transformation.
Meta-Coach™ Training is an accelerated coach training system that supports participants to move through learning modules, culminating in Master Coach Status. It is taught in an environment that gives participants every opportunity to excel – as Executive, Personal (Life), Organisational and Self Coaches.
This comprehensive program differentiates itself from other coaching education by integrating three key areas of a successful coaching career:
- Your Self
- Your Coaching Skills
- Your Coaching Business
Meta-Coach™ training draws on the Cognitive Sciences of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Neuro-Semantics (NS) and integrates them into cutting-edge coaching psychology.The training programs are rigorous and qualifcations internationally recognised.
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Brochure on the Meta-Coach System Now. Click the image to begin >> |

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