Advanced Modeling Using Meta-Levels. (2nd ed. 2002)
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D., NS Publ., paperback, 392 pages, $25

This book is an absolute must
for anyone interested in developing or modeling experience.

Description: NLP is all about modeling, it is about modeling the excellence of experts. This central focus of NLP gives it a positive focus on what works and how does it work. When we know that, then we can replicate that expertise in our own lives and in the lives of others.

The co-developers of NLP originated their first models in this way. They looked at the expert skills of three therapeutic wizards (Perls, Satir, and Erickson) and then used the tools from such disciplines as Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology (Miller’s TOTE model), General Semantics, Cybernetics, etc. These were the first NLP models for modeling.

Today in NLP we have many models for modeling. We have the VAK representation system model, the Meta-Model, Meta-Programs, Strategy, the Experiential Array (Gordon), Neuro-logical levels (Dilts), and much more. The first formalized presentation of modeling in NLP was NLP-Volume I (1980).

NLP: Going Meta—Advanced Modeling Using Meta-Levels provides the next step in modeling as we go meta and utilize the distinctions that occur at meta-levels. You can think of this volume as NLP: Volume II. In it discover—

  • The five kinds of Why Questions to get to meta-level structures.
  • 12 “logical” level systems in NLP.
  • Why “Neuro-Logical Levels” is not “logical” level system and how we can adjust it so that it is.
  • The seminar contributions of three scholars about “logical levels” — Alfred Korzybski, Gregory Bateson, and Robert Dilts.
  • The art of using meta-level patterns for outframing frames-of-reference in your modeling.
  • How to elicit meta-level structures with greater ease.
  • How to design engineer new strategies using meta-levels.
  • Install empowering meta-states and frames and thereby set up self-organizing attractors in your personality.
  • And much more.

Style and Audience: This is an advanced book for those interested in modeling the structure of experience. NLP Volume I is a good prerequisite before reading this one.