Advanced NLP Flexibility Training

Advanced NLP Flexibility Training
Using General Semantic Distinctions

Alfred Korzybski described the training he designed as General Semantics as to develop “flexible semantic reactions with full conditionality” — what we recognize as simply Flexibility. In NLP, we also have come to think recognize that there are 4 Pillars of NLP. O’Connor and Seymour described them in the book Principles of NLP as–

1) Rapport

2) Sensory Acuity

3) Precise Outcomes

4) Flexibility

Yet in this list, flexibility operates at a higher level to the other skills. After all, when you consider 1) connecting with others and building trust (rapport), 2) staying in the moment and calibrating to people (Sensory Awareness), and 3) having a clear and precise sense of your goals (Outcomes), flexibility operates at a higher level inasmuch as we need flexibility in each of these skills in order to stay fluid and responsive. Otherwise, we could easily become stuck.

1) Flexible rapport

2) Flexible sensory acuity

3) Flexible and precise outcomes

Flexibility plays a meta-role in the use and development of these basic pillars of NLP and as such, represents the very attitude or spirit of NLP. Given that, would you like to develop some new and Advanced Skills in Flexibility? Would you like to expand your neuro-linguistic foundations using some of the tools, techniques and processes of Korzybski?

Reasons For Expanding & Enhancing Your Flexibility Skills:

  • To avoid getting stuck and becoming rigid or inflexible.
  • To develop intuitions about when and how to do what.
  • To develop the power for discovering more variables in any experience
  • To develop the intuitive skills for turning static representations into processes
  • To resist the ongoing and current pressures of the Aristotelian world that we live in.

Elegance in using NLP, running NLP patterns, and using the very spirit of NLP to develop new patterns demands Flexibility. Korzybski’s model of The Levels of “Abstraction in General Semantics offers advanced understandings and models that expand our skills in adaptability to a process world.