Owning My Own Authority

The Art of Changing the External Referent Meta-Program. In psychology there is a concept called “locus of control.” It deals with our sense of “control” and where we locate it, do we locate it inside of ourselves or outside of ourselves in others, rules, structures, groups, etc.?

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The Magic of Feedback #2

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. Given that feedback is important, that it is critical, that it gives us an accelerated learning mechanism, and that it activates our self-organizing powers, receiving feedback and giving high quality feedback is critical for leadership, management, coaching, entrepreneurial ventures, parenting, loving,— and, in fact, for everything relational!

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Directionalizing Perception

Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
“Communication is the response you get” is one of the Key Presuppositions of NLP. I have personally found this presupposition quite useful to hold as a belief. For, by holding this belief, it forces me to take greater responsibility for my communication.

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Updating the “Submodaility” Model

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
What are Submodalities?
Do submodalities actually comprise a lower logical level than VAK modalities?
Does “the difference that makes a difference” really refer to submodalities?
Would Bateson have approved that usage of his phrase?
Why don’t “submodality mapping across and shifting” always work?
What mechanism actually explains how submodalities work?

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Meta-NLP™ – Taking NLP to the Next Level

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
If you are familiar with the genius of the NLP model and to using NLP in running your own brain, accessing your most resourceful states, then you know about the first and second generation NLP models and patterns. These have come about from the first and second generation NLP developers, thinkers, modelers, and trainers. We owe them a great debt of gratitude for their marvelous discoveries and patterns.

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Guidelines for Submitting Articles

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
As you undoubtedly know, The Society of Neuro-Semantics has a strong commitment to offering high quality, professional, and scholarly presentations. Overall, this means that we do not want and will not publish anything that does not give proper credit to others, that takes snide shots at others, that presents something with arrogance or contempt, etc.

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Simply Introducing NLP

L. Michael Hall. Ph.D.
Let us tell you a story about magic. It’s a magical story, full of wows! And woes. It’s a story of magicians and wizards and frogs turning into princes. It’s an adventure into the very magic that occurs everyday in human neuro-linguistics, a story about you and the magic that’s going on this very minute in your neurology.

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Seven Key Distinctions Of Masterful Communications

Neuro-Semantics is a discipline about communication, about high quality and masterful communication skills. Arising from NLP and the cognitive-behavioral sciences, we have identified seven critical distinctions for unleashing your best communication skills and performance and for mobilizing the resources for becoming the most professional and masterful communicator that’s possible.

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Magic of Reframing I

by Ahmed Hakami, Ph.D.
In NLP teachings people are urged to choose proper words in communication. And to dig for real meaning in others’ statements. Words we and others use don’t reflex the whole structure of its meaning and whatever beyond.

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