By L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
In 1926 George Clason wrote a fabulous little book, The Richest Man in Babylon. It’s all about wealth and wealth building. Yet there’s more to it—it presents a fictitious account (read, metaphor) about the first Modeling Project on Wealth Building.
Author: Michael Hall
The Secret Wealth Creation Attitude
Would you like to explore a question that will help to identify how optimistic, success-oriented, and likely to succeed? If so, then notice what you immediately think when you hear the following question?
Read moreCreating Wealth Through Meta-State Synergy
When I began modeling first-generation rich millionaires, I discovered something that seemed to violate my understanding of the importance of “balance.” And for a couple of years, I really didn’t know what to make of it.
Read moreIf NLP is so Great, Where’s My Porsche?
I’m writing this to those of you who know and love the NLP model as I do. I’m writing to those who have entered into the field of our neuro-linguistic states to discover the heart and soul of how to “run your own brain” and manage your states.
Read moreIf Wealth Creation was Easy,
There’s an untold variable that plays a key role in creating wealth that most people are not aware of at all. In fact, the common myths about building wealth obliterate this variable so completely that very few people know about it. And to make matters worse, it is not a variable that can be very easily communicated.
Read moreThe Focus Power of Millionaires
For years I have been studying and modeling the experts in wealth creation, both personally and from the extensive research by those who make it their business to study such people. From both longitudinal studies, focus groups discussions, and questionnaires, tremendous data has been collected about this subject.
Read moreCreating Wealth Through Meta-State Synergy
When I began modeling first-generation rich millionaires, I discovered something that seemed to violate my understanding of the importance of “balance.” And for a couple of years, I really didn’t know what to make of it.
Read moreThe Secret Wealth Creation Attitude
Would you like to explore a question that will help to identify how optimistic, success-oriented, and likely to succeed? If so, then notice what you immediately think when you hear the following question?
Read moreMeta Wealth Building
In 1998 I began a modeling project on Wealth Building. A simple question drove the research. I simply wanted to know how the first-generation self-made millionaires did it. What were the key factors that enabled them to become wealthy, make a fortune, and attain the financial independence that so many of us would like?
Read moreTraining in Wealth Building and Selling Excellence
When it comes to quality performance, high level expertise, excellence in specialized fields—there’s no lack of examples and models. Whether by hard work and learning, whether by accident and osmosis, whether fated by genetic predisposition—in today’s world there are marvelous and fantastic examples of excellence, expertise, and genius all around us.
Read moreNLP Comprehensive Meta-Wealth 2000 Training
“A breakthrough seminar! This training helps you install what it takes to actually “Think and Grow Rich.” in a way that’s automatic, easy, and effortlessly. Consider how wealthy you can be with this information and do whatever it takes to attend. Priceless!”
Read morePlaying the Game of Abundance in the New NLP
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
The old NLP went wrong, very wrong, when it came it developing a larger-level strategy for its acceptance. We all know that. And today, twenty-five years after its beginning, we see it everywhere.
Modeling “Abundance”
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
As you look out onto “the NLP community” does it strike you (as it does me) that we have an abundance of the Scarcity Model and a Scarcity of the Abundance Model? We talk about, and even presuppose, a Model of Abundance, and yet as a community we seem to live and act more according to a Model of Scarcity.
Accessing Your Highest Business Sense and Genius
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Early in the development of Neuro-Semantics I engaged on a modeling project on business excellence and those who are experts in business. This followed modeling Wealth Creation and Selling Excellence and so was a natural next step. I wanted to know what it takes to be a “genius” at business. I wanted to be able to do that for myself in my business endeavors.
Read moreLeadership Reflections #1
Leadership Reflections #1
During the past eighteen months I’ve been focusing in my studies and research on leadership. I’ve focused this modeling in preparation for creating a leadership matrix using the Matrix model and for the first presentation of it next year in Geneva Switzerland (April 2006). Already Michelle Duval has been coaching a Leadership Matrix with various CEOs and senior management. Already we have a list of leadership criteria for Neuro-Semantics along with benchmarks for that criteria (Article on Website and in the Trainers manual).
Focus Power
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Focus-power is special. It is magical. And when you have it, you have that which gives you “genius” or mastery or joy. Focus power is being able to stay focused on what you’re doing when you’re doing it. That sounds simple enough, does it? So focus must be a simple matter, right? We wish it were.
The Knowing-Doing Gap
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
There is a tremendous gap today between knowing and doing. We know so much more than we do. Isn’t that true for you? We know more about healthy eating and exercising than we put in practice. We know more about listening, being patient, validating, being affirmative, and other relationship skills than we do, especially when we’re under pressure and feel stress.
Neuro-Semantics as an Idea In Business
By L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Since we began using the phrase, “Neuro-Semantics,” and trade marking that term, we have developed two different references for it. On the one hand, Neuro-Semantics refers to an idea and to a model of human functioning. On the other hand, Neuro-Semantics refers to a network of people all around the globe, to the Societies and Institutes of NS and hence, to a business.
Neuro-Semantic Leadership Criteria
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Obviously, in Neuro-Semantics, we will look mostly and preeminently for leaders who embody the principles of the neuro-semantic vision—its principles and practice. We will look for practical leaders who are excited about the vision, who apply that vision to themselves, who look for adding value to others, and who work at translating their talk into their walk. Conversely, we will not be interested in leaders who are driven by visions of personal glory, the rank and status of privilege, or the ego satisfactions of someone driven to be a guru.
Entrepreneurial Secrets
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
We put business, and all of our mental maps about business, in the World Matrix. That’s because Business is one of those worlds Aout there @ that we have to navigate and deal with. This becomes even more so when you set out as an entrepreneur to find and create new business opportunities.