The Great Game of Business

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Games —in Neuro-Semantics we have taken the metaphor of games and used it to describe our actions, responses, and interactions. That enables us to think about and describe behavior, relationship, and performance in a playful way. Then, in recognizing that with this we are talking about the outer game, it has led us to back up to the inner game—the game that we play in our mind. The inner game of our frames of meaning.

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The Next Level of Trainers Training

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
For many of us in NLP who truly care about this field and want to see it succeed in terms of gaining more credibility academically, gain more effectiveness in the world of business, and gain more acceptance publicly—we’ve got a problem. We have a lot of serious challenges facing us. After 30 years, NLP is not only not recognized for its credibility, it is all too frequently seen in a negative light.

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The Structure of Unconscious Excuses

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
I came upon The Excuse Blow-Out Pattern after encountering three people in a row who complained, “But I just can’t apply NLP to myself.” Talk about an excuse!
“Yeah, this is great stuff. And I’m a wizard at NLP-ing people. I can run the patterns like a charm. But I just can’t do it on myself.”

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“It’s the Frames Stupid!”

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
It wasn’t nice. It wasn’t polite. It may not have been even accurate, but it was effective. What? The Campaign Slogan. Do you remember the campaign slogan that defeated President George Bush and that put Bill Clinton into the White House? A central one that Clinton’s ad men used over and over and over was, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

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Advanced NLP Flexibility Training

Alfred Korzybski described the training he designed as General Semantics as to develop “flexible semantic reactions with full conditionality” — what we recognize as simply Flexibility. In NLP, we also have come to think recognize that there are 4 Pillars of NLP. O’Connor and Seymour described them in the book Principles of NLP

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Mastering the Matrix of the Frames of Your Mind

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
“WAKE UP, NEO! THE MATRIX HAS YOU!” The sci-fi movie hit of 1999, “The Matrix,” described life in the Twenty-Third Century, after the great war between humans and A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). The Machines won. As the movie opens, most humans are imprisoned in egg-like structures where they are harvested for their brain energy. There’s a few who live on the outside, but only a few.

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We are the Framers

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
To think is to frame. To give something a name identifies it and doing so puts it within a frame. When an infant does this, the child begins to populate his or her world—“toy, doggie, mommy, daddy, eye, toes.” In this way we create the meanings that become the World that we live within.

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When Bandler Played the Paranoid Blame Game

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
While working recently on updating “the myth” about the origin of the “Sleight of Mouth” patterns, I read Robert Dilts’ description in his recent book, Sleight of Mouth (1999). Robert tells about how he put together the very first list of 14 “Sleight of Mouth” Patterns from an NLP training in Washington D.C. The year was 1980.

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Dancing With Dragons:

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
One of the most challenging aspects of Dragon Slaying involves tracking the dragon down, flushing it out of its cave, identifying it, and naming it. Dragons especially hate being named. They know that to name them robs them of their power. Every time you name a dragon, the dragon gets weaker. It gets weaker because it exposes the dragons for what they really are, and that demystifies them. It exposes the black magic which only operates for the uninformed by trickery, seduction, lies, and deception.

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The Newest Code of NLP

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.

NLP is a code—it is a code about human subjectivity. It is a code about how our mind-and-body system structures our experiences, emotions, and skills. As a code, it enables us to understand and work with the dynamic structure of experience. Over the years there has been the classical of NLP and then the New Code of NLP. And now there is the Newest Code. This is a description of that Newest Code which offers new distinctions to enrich and enhance NLP and to take it to new levels of effectiveness as a meta-discipline that models the structure of human experience.

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The Missing Secrets in “The Secret”

If you have seen the movie of The Secret or read the book by the same title, then you have heard about the so-called “law of attraction,” the power of thoughts being magnetic, goals being magical, and life destiny being totally within your control. All sounds pretty promising, eh? Yet how accurate and how realistic are these things? What do you think? Is there any over-selling here? Any over-promising that life will under-deliver on later? If you have an open mind and are willing to explore things, then come with us.

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A Critique of the Strengths and Weaknesses of DHE

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. Written Feb.2000, Updated 2004
TEN YEARS AND STILL NO BEEF! Using the linguistic tools of NLP’s Meta-Model, I have explored the nature, claims, structure, and processes involved in the training and model called Design Human Engineering or DHE™. The conclusion I have come to is that DHE™ is simply an exciting, provocative, and creative application of basic NLP, it is also over-sold, dehumanizing, and machine-heavy. It is not “the next step,” nor is it anything more or different from NLP—in spite of the claims made for it.

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