When Ecology Does Not Count

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Ecology, the search to make sure that a process, intervention, way of thinking or feeling, or an action or response truly fits into the full context of a person’s way of life, values, history, relationships, health, etc., represents a central focus in NLP. And so it should.

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Perception is not Reality

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
There’s a saying going around the world of NLP that asserts absolutely, “Perception is projection.” But, is that accurate? How accurate is it? What part of it is not accurate? What part of it is not useful? I understand that it began with Tad James in NLP, but I don’t know that for sure.

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Dealing with the Downside of NLP

L. Michael Hall, Nelson Penaylillo, Bobby G. Bodenhamer and Peter F. Kean
We know that a discipline that doesn’t discipline itself will eventually cease to exist as a legitimate and respectable discipline. Organizations and groups that won’t discipline themselves sometimes invite other agencies to do the disciplining. Past and current investigations even in the Congress of the United States illustrate that.

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The Myth of “Pure” NLP

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D. and Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
Is there such a thing as “pure” NLP? To hear some people talk and read their literature and PR, you would get the impression that this nominalization was not only a reality, but the only reality. So what does this mean? Can it be denominalized? And when we denominalize it, would we even want it?

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Exceptions to NLP Presuppositions

by L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
When NLP first seduced many of us by its invitation to modeling excellence, to state management, to running your own brain, and to the exploration of the structure of subjective experience, it was the NLP Presuppositions that allured us away from our previous models of human functioning and psychology. What great principles we have in those NLP presuppositions! What empowering frames of mind!

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Curing Phobias With Meta-States

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
To meta-state means to reflect on a mental or emotional state with additional thoughts, feelings, ideas, and even kinesthetics. This power to rise up in you mind and have a second thought or second feeling about a previous thought describes the most wondrous power of self-reflexive consciousness.

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Games That Hitler Played

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Hitler– we know what he did, and we sort of know why he did it, but how did he do it? We know that he deceived his countrymen and an entire nation and nearly brought about the end of Western civilization as it had developed in the twentieth century. He was legally appointed to power as Reich Chancellor and between 1933 and 1940 one of the most popular heads of a state in the world.

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Thinking Strategically About How To Live In The 21st Century

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Tuesday September 11, 2001 will live in all of our minds as a day that the world changed. Theterritory of reality that we woke up to that day revealed to us that life would no longer be “the life that we all had lived in the 20th century.” Probably it was not that the world had just then changed, it had already changed. We had not noticed. It was rather that we all, as a global community, woke up to the change on that day.

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Do You Need Your Matrix Reloaded?

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
In the first movie, The Matrix, Thomas Anderson woke up to the Matrix that had him, took the red pill, and exited that computer-generated world. From there he began to re-enter other matrices to be trainedNeo, the “new” one and began to learn how to master the matrix. in how to master the matrix. Morpheus coached him through many programs, the jumping program, detecting Agents program, etc. In the process, he became Neo, the “new” one and began to learn how to master the matrix.

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First Reflections on Matrix Revolutions?

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Revolutions … going round and round. We all know that, don’t we? When we were children we used to play lots of spinning games. Sometimes we played on a merri-go-round, sometimes we turned round and round until we became so dizzy that we fell down laughing, and sometimes we spined a roulette wheel and sang the refrain, “Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows.”

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The Neuro-Semantic Approach

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.with Michelle Duval, CEO Equilibrio.
In previous articles I have written about Neuro-Semantics as a model, a field of study, a set of patterns, and even as a business and community. Now I want to write about another facet of neuro-semantic, what we have designated as the neuro-semantic approach.

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Neuro-Semantics as an Idea In Business

By L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Since we began using the phrase, “Neuro-Semantics,” and trade marking that term, we have developed two different references for it. On the one hand, Neuro-Semantics refers to an idea and to a model of human functioning. On the other hand, Neuro-Semantics refers to a network of people all around the globe, to the Societies and Institutes of NS and hence, to a business.

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Is there Any Difference Between Logical Levels and Logical Types?

L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
I have recently been criticized as not knowing the difference between logical levels and logical types. Some in this field have taken me to task that Meta-States is inadequate and say that doesn’t work because it fails to distinguish logical types from logical levels. This raises numerous questions, questions that I will address in this article.

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