You were not born real! You were born undeveloped, real is what you have to become if you take up the challenge. This shocking statement explains the rationale of this training. Real is what you become through the journey of life— if you embrace the adventure. Are you ready to embrace the adventure? It is not easy, it is challenging. It is not quick, it takes a lifetime. It is not what social conformity wants for you, it requires that you stand your ground on pursuing your uniqueness. Are you still here?
As you become authentic, you awaken to the call to self-actualize within you. Becoming real means awakening to new possibilities, new dreams, and new visions about life. It is awakening to the music within you so you do not “die with your music” still inside (George Bernard Shaw).You experience the awakening as an Eureka, a fascination of curiosity, a deep joy. The ultimate aim of self-actualizing is to become your real self— that is the ultimate adventure.
This training focuses on the phenomenon of authenticity— what it is, how it works, why it is critically important, and the skills for becoming authentic—a real human being. Put that way, it sounds great. And yet … and yet it is challenging and difficult. It may be the hardest thing in the world. It is the human adventure. Are you ready for the journey? This training is designed to help you get real. It is a great vision, but not an easy one. Delightful, yes. Powerful, yes. But not easy or quick.