Meta-States Magic Book




Incantations for New and Higher Frames of Mind (2002)

  1. Michael Hall, Ph.D.,  NSP. PDF book, 280 pages

Description:  For the three years from 1997 through 1999, L. Michael Hall wrote and published the Meta-States Journal.   In that monthly journal, he wrote extensive descriptions of many of the patterns and processes that have become the basic Meta-State patterns. 

Meta-States Magic offers many of the Neuro-Semantic patterns which have evolved over the years.    Here you will find full length descriptions of meta-stating patterns: personal genius, pleasuring, understanding, boredom, creativity, courage, healthy vitality, fallibility, resolution, metaphors, personality, etc.  There is the Mind-Backtracking pattern, the Meta-State Dance, the Miracle Pattern, and the original spinning icons pattern, “synthesizing generalizations.”

In Magic there are also many short pieces which are included in the section, “They’re Everywhere!  They’re Everywhere!”  There are also numerous book reviews which highlight meta-state structures.  Reading Meta-State Magic will give you an appreciation of the development of the model and its applications.

Style and Audience: While this is an advance work in Meta-States, it is recommended also for anyone seeking to learn about Meta-States. This is especially recommended for anyone training the Meta-States model.