L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
There’s a dangerous game afoot that can undermine our growth, sanity, and resourcefulness¾it’s the “Experience is Real” Game. When you play that game, then your experiences control you¾they define you, determine you, and fate you. This undermines personal power and effectiveness. Our resourcefulness therefore depends upon learning how to refuse this game. Do you know how?
Category: Patterns
Transforming Recovery: NLP and Addiction
Richard Bolstad
Margot Hamblett
At any given time, 6%-7% of Americans show diagnostic signs of substance dependence (O’Brian and McKay, 1998, p 127). In this research, substance is used in the strict sense of substances such as alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, or opiates.
Eliminating the Barriers to Success
Rob McCarter, MS, LPC/NCC
Over the years, I have been most fortunate to be one of those that God has called to aid others in eliminating barriers to success in their lives. In each situation, I help them discover their own resources and then get out of the way for their own resources to knock down the barriers.
Beliefs #2: The Meta-Levels of Beliefs
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
You have a lot more thoughts, ideas, and representations than you do beliefs. You can think lots of things without believing them. When we believe–we trust our thoughts, validate our ideas, and say “Yes” to those representations as right, true, reflective of reality, and something we can hang-on to.
Beliefs #3: Transforming Beliefs at Meta-Levels
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
With this understanding of the role, functioning, nature, and structure of beliefs, we can now identify those that poison and sabotage us and construct beliefs that will empower and enhance life. What totally empowering belief would you like to get stuck in your head as a frame-of-mind to operate from?
Beliefs #4: The B.S. Belief Change Pattern
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Some people do not merely have beliefs about certain things, they go further — to a higher logical level. They believe in their beliefs. Yet (as Korzybski pointed out) when you hold a second-order abstraction of “conviction of conviction” this typically causes a person to end up thinking-feeling, talking, and acting like a fanatic!
Beliefs #5: The Meta/Yes – Meta/No Pattern
Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.
After I learned about the Meta-States Model (Hall, 1995, 1996) and began to see and experience its power in making changes in people’s lives, I began to think that Graham Dawes’ review of Dragon Slaying (Anchor Point, June 1997) made a serious point when he described the Meta-States model as “the model that ate NLP.”
Adding Passion to Empowering Beliefs
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
We spend a lot of time in NLP and Neuro-Semantics on identifying limiting and toxic beliefs and building up and installing empowering beliefs. Why do we do that? We do so because we know all too well about the self-fulfilling nature of “beliefs.”
The Structure of Unconscious Excuses
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
I came upon The Excuse Blow-Out Pattern after encountering three people in a row who complained, “But I just can’t apply NLP to myself.” Talk about an excuse!
The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
We all frame and we all reframe because this describes how we think, represent information, use language, and create meaning. Initially, we frame because our minds do the work that “minds” do (i.e. process information, reason, draw conclusions, etc.) by using frames-of-reference.
Eliminating the Barriers to Success
Rob McCarter, MS, LPC/NCC
Over the years, I have been most fortunate to be one of those that God has called to aid others in eliminating barriers to success in their lives. In each situation, I help them discover their own resources and then get out of the way for their own resources to knock down the barriers.
The Hypnotic Nature & Language of Meta-States
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Many people have noticed and commented on the hypnotic nature of the meta-stating process and have wondered about its relationship to hypnosis. Frequently when I first introduce the Meta-States model, I like giving people an experience of their own meta-states.
Accelerating NLP Using Meta-States
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
If you know about NLP, then you know that because Neuro-Linguistic Programming is about “running your own brain” it leads to empowering people to take charge of their own neuro-linguistic responses. NLP is also about modeling expertise.
How Meta-States Enriches Logical Levels in NLP
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
People want to know. At least people well-trained in the NLP model want to know. I find it everywhere. Without fail wherever I present the Introductory workshop on Meta-States, “Accessing Personal Genius,” I am repeatedly asked about the relationship between Meta-States and the Neuro-Logical Levels model.
How Meta-States Fills in the Missing Pieces of NLP
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Now if you’ve not been introduced to Meta-States yet and have not experienced a Meta-States training in the strategy of excellence in Selling/Persuasion, Wealth Building, State Management, Secrets of Personal Mastery, Mind-Lines, etc., then I want to let you in on the secrets and magic of Meta-States.
Meta-States As Advancing NLP Into the New Millennium
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Mostly we can awaken our executive levels of mind to create the highest and most generative transformations in the process of modeling and installing expertise.
Introducing Meta-States
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D.
Suppose I offered you a way by which you could learn to “run your own brain” so that you could develop some high level state-management skills and live resourcefully? Would that interest you; would you like that?
Immersion Metastate
by Pascal Gambardella, Ph.D.
I want to write!! But saying that is not enough. There are a million other “desired projects”, large and small, begging for attention with associated needs, shoulds, and musts. How can a mere “want” survive?
An Interchange:
As dynamic, fluid, and non-linear processes, they are shifting and changing thoughts-and-feelings. They are our neuro-semantic way of thinking, emoting, and framing things. So we need to describe this process using a verb, hence, “logical leveling.”
Read moreMeta to the Core
Can you tell when someone has some trait or quality that goes all the way to his or her core? Can you detect when something is at the core which generates an energy that pervasively drives almost every expression and behavior of that person?
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