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“I've come from an executive background, from a corporate background and I suppose the real value for me was they really talked about how executive coaching works in the work place. For me, that was fantastic value and on top of that, Michael Hall recommended that each one of us pick a mentor from that group of people who were at Meta-Coaching, so that we had someone to fall back on in terms of support, so I picked one of them and he's there for me, anytime.”
Sylvia Fernandes, Executive Coach, NLP/NS Trainer – sylvia@viaintlgroup.com
“The Meta-Coaching program delivers more useful and practical information per minute/ per dollar spent than any training program I have ever attended - and I have been to a great many of them. This is the best delivered and most useful piece of NLP/NS that I have attended in the last twenty-five years! A brilliant experience.”
Jim Brush, NS-NLP Trainer, Business Coach – jim.brush@imarkup.com
“I have a map! I can step into a coaching scenario full of confidence and competence now. Thank you for a fantastic investment, It was a blast! Meta-Coaching is the quantum leap in coaching.”
Sarah Nanclares, Health Coach – sarahnanclares@bigpond.com
“Doing Coaching Genius hugely improved my ability as a career coach to help people deal with stuff that used to hold them back from making the changes they wanted to. Clients experience the meta-stating process as amazing and effective.”
Dr Susie Linder-Pelz, Careers Meta-Coach
“Andrew Bryant's great depth of understanding, coupled with his brilliance at explaining complex material with simple terms and examples leads to a terrific learning experience in Coaching Genius.”
Andrew Brown - Finance Manager, Actuary & Trainer
“I would say that my experience (in Coaching Genius) has been one that has educated me and equipped me with tools to balance my intention to performance. It has also introduced me to the subject of Neuro Semantics which I will further investigate as it served me in a positive way.”
Bill Dimas, National Marketing Manager
“Coaching Genius, Meta-Coaching - what do these training experiences bring to you? The awareness and knowledge to use new skills and tools to raise your coaching practice to a higher level or is it even better than that? For me yes - the parallel development of realising that personal learning is as infinite as the study of NLP, Meta - Coaching and all other opportunities not to be missed.”
Angela Nellis, Meta-Coach
“Early in the journey I found that Meta-Coach Training is what I really want to do with the rest of my life. This training has awakened in me a passion to awaken the giants in others through the application of my skills and resourceful states in a spirit of love for them-thereby giving full meaning form own life. This has been invaluable.”
Peter Bennett, Coach
“Coaching Genius is undoubtedly the pathway to accessing the very best coaching genius we each have within ourselves. This program has dramatically enhanced my abilities and now I use them to develop and coach others in such an empowering way.”
Colin Cox, NS Trainer and ACMC Meta Coach
“Coaching Essentials took my rapport building skills to a new level and gave me a model (Meta-Model) which has helped me to ask the right questions of my clients- even some really tough questions- which open up so much for my clients!”
Telana Simpson, Communication Coach
“The Meta-Coach Training was very motivating, making me use what I know to what I do from here on. Watch this space for an emerging miracle.”
Sherry Wessels, Human Resource Consultant
“For me Coaching Essentials was a revelation in terms of what is possible in communication. The rapport building skills enable me to make connection with all personalities. Participants around me soaked this information because it is so relevant to coaching. The richness of the NLP model inspired me to find out more and become a Meta-Coach.”
Peter Price, Meta-coach, Trainer
“I have been thinking of setting up a coaching business but have been hesitant. In the Meta-Coaching training my friend and I made the decision to go into business together and we have to yet get a name, a plan and have talked though how, when, where, etc. But next time we meet, we will be in business. Meta-Coaching has been life changing for me. I am a coach today.”
Adele van Wyk, Meta-Coach
“(Coaching Genius) - Excellent. I have experienced 3 days of life changing strategies. I thank you for your energy and experience, it's unlike other courses I have attended. Andrew, you are very talented.”
Sharyn Raiti, Sales Manager
“I've always been aware that I run repeated patterns in my life, some beneficial; although I was more conscious of the destructive ones as I got older. NLP Practitioner is the only model that explained why, in a manner that makes sense and gave me the power to change these patterns.”
Derek Aarts, Transformational Coach
“Meta Coaching showed me how to deliver /receive feed-back constructively. Bench-marking enables me to measure performance, providing constructive means of assessing other's performance in team situations. Working within the Matrix Model is invaluable in any supervisory or management role which involves receiving / giving feed-back and assessing / improving performance. ”
Jon Vitetta, NSTrainer & Meta-Coach
“I had been in NLP for almost 10 years before I met Michael Hall and was so impressed by his integrity that I decided to travel from South Africa to California to undergo his Coaching Genius training. This training is an introductory course to Neuro-Semantics and to use a well worn but appropriate cliche, "It blew my mind", and set me off on a totally different path. I developed amazing new insights and finally discovered how to do NLP powerfully and conversationally; it closed many of the gaps that NLP had left open. This has made led to a huge difference in my coaching practice and the work I do facilitating leaders in the business field, both in terms of improved outcomes for them and increased income for me.”
Reg Reynolds, Executive Coach
“The Meta-Coach Training provides the methodology, structure, principles, standards, and support to ensure coaching developing into a true Profession.”
Retha Els, Consultant
“Coaching can and never will be the same as it was, Meta-Coach Training is a totally new dimension was added to my life. Even if you are not a coach, but want to serve and help others, this course will open a new world to you. The best training in coaching I have ever attended. I have the confidence that I can help clients to experience the change in life they want.”
Dawie van Merwe, Director
“This Meta-Coach Training has been a life transforming experience. Also, it has made a big impact on my life direction. I will now be able to fulfill my purpose-how Great!”
Lindie Geyser, Human Resource Consultant
“I found the Coaching Genius course amazing at the time, and got some real personal shifts just during those three days. What has been even more impressive is that I find myself instinctively reaching for a number of the techniques in my day to day coaching sessions, and that I still use them on myself 6 months later. They are truly an amazing collection of 'patterns', so simple and so effective. ”
Jane Kitchen, Personal Coach
“Meta Coaching allowed me to take my trainings and Coaching to the next level. A much added value to my business, working with The Matrix has also allowed for faster transformations taking place for my corporate and personal clients. ”
Lorna Bukkland-Vitetta, NS Trainer and Meta-Coach
“Absolutely enchanting, practical, and simulating! Meta-Coach Training has challenged my knowledge and skill and has given me enormous inspiration. It has been lots of fun too!”
Helen Minty, Learning Solutions Designer
“Coaching Genius excited my imagination by accessing the powerful resources in me. The meta-states model and questions provide a great starting point for coaching. The patterns for handling fears and emotions are valuable for me and my coaching clients. Learning how to access the genius state expanded the possibilities for me as a person, coach and trainer."”
Peter Price, Meta-coach, Trainer, Melbourne
“This has been a life changing experience. Not only in terms of the incredible content but also the structure of the training and the environment of accelerated learning which was created.”
Natalie Taylor, Support Manager
“Meta-Coach Training is technology that takes humans to unlock their own super powers of actualizing and flexibility. Like living plugged into the energy source of the universe.”
Naat Loubser, Director, Exercise LifeStyle Adventure
“Coaching Genius and Living Genius really opened up my eyes for how exciting, profound and joyful coaching can be. It took my coaching skills a quantum leap forward and the breakthroughs and insights my clients are getting are quite awesome. Coaching would never have been the same without these essential tools. Art and science gracefully mixed.”
Thomas Skaalvik, Coach and Trainer
“Meta-Coach Training is the missing link. I have been looking for following my ministry and counseling background. Facilitating change is no longer a shot in the dark. I can't wait to use this as I work with young people.”
Mark Holtshousen, Minister, Psychologist, Coach
“I have freed myself from the feeling of being incompetent. Thank you. This has been one of the best things I have ever done for myself.”
Anne-Marie Strydom, Business and Career Coaching
“What I am so grateful for from the Coaching Genuis course, is that I worked on myself AND have new tools for my clients. The tools that we were exposed to helped me to become more resourceful as a person and as a coach. And they are tools I use regularly with my clients, helping them reach new levels of resourcefulness. Thank you!”
Telana Simpson, Communication Coach
“For me, NLP Practitioner Training with Michael Hall was an informative, inspiring and horizon-expanding experience. As the days of training passed, I found myself honing my coaching/therapeutic skills to a brand new level that both excited and surprised me! The NLP and NS patterns so elegantly and caringly delivered by Michael were exquisite. If you are considering a worthwhile training that enhances the whole of you, go for the Meta-NLP Practitioner... and Master Practitioner while you're at it! ”
Dr Chris Kang, Coach-Mentor-Trainer of Mindful Occupations
“I have an overwhelming feeling of awe and gratitude. Thanks so much for all the hard work behind the scenes, and the sacrifices made by the presenters and organizers. This Meta-Coach training has definitely been a highlight in my life.”
Marieta Human, Business Owner, Marketing Company
“I attend a lot of training session up til today. This is my second ACMC and it was really life changing and I took on frames that are much more resourceful to me and I already started applying them in my personal relationships which immediate improvement, just because I view my family members with a more resourceful state. Thank you for giving my life back!!”
Hannelie du Preez, Human Resource Consultant
“Meta-Coach Training is so rich and has started a process of huge and transformational change and growth. I am more me, and I can love without restriction.”
Lori Lea, ADD Coach
“I now realize that being fallible is a glorious gift that enables you to learn and grow. This course in Meta-Coaching has been an eye opener and has inspired me to take steps to realize my dreams.”
Lizette Khan-Malan, Jr. Human Resources Consultant
“I found the Coaching Genius training to be a real breakthrough as a coach. The content (Models and Patterns) and the presentation were refreshing, advanced and effective.”
Brett Taylor, ACMC
“My growth in this week in the Meta-Coaching Training has taken me to new levels and on my way to reaching my potentials.”
Natalie Baum, Coach
“The beautiful elegance with which Michelle demonstrated her mastery of the field and Michael's effectiveness as a master of this art created 'models of excellence' it was a privilege to be able to follow.”
John Shephard, Psychologist, Neuro-Semantic Trainer
“Attending Coaching Genius, for me, was the start of a life changing experience. From the trainers to the delegates, everyone was supportive and nurturing. I left the course with new found confidence and perhaps for the first time in my life a belief in my abilities and the countless opportunities open to me, which I had made myself blind to.”
Marguerite Sackey, Coach
“Meta-Coaching was the best course I have attended. My effectiveness as a coach has increased exponentially during my training with Michelle Duval and Michael Hall. The course provided not only skills on how to coach but how to be successful in my business and my personal life. Michelle is an excellent role model for living life successfully and her integrity and energy is truly inspiring. Thank you Michelle for making a significant difference in my feeling of competence as a coach. My results have been amazing.”
Rosie Davoli, Executive Coach
“NLP Practitioner gave me the distinctions to take my coaching business to a level I and my clients had not previously experienced. As one client said " Roz, I don't know what you are doing with me, but it is working miracles in my life”
Roz Townsend, Meta Coach
“Coaching Genius gave me a solid base from which to work from on a personal basis. Only when you are truly in touch with and can claim your own personal powers and what you are and are not accountable can you stand with and coach another. Being total Awe of oneself makes it possible to be in awe of another human being essential in coaching.”
Dr Debra Lawson, Crackenback Chiropractic / The Scoliosis Centre
“This program of Meta-Coach Training has equipped me with the tools and skills to be a great coach. I have started coaching-and now I feel that I can true make a difference.”
Kathy Bennett, Kathy Bennett and Associates