Eight-day Associate Certified Meta-Coach (ACMC) Training
This advanced training module culminates in more than 180 hours of coach-specific education. It is ideal for those wanting to become a professional coach, or those committed to personal development and self-mastery. It will equip you with cutting-edge skills and business strategies for coaching in any or all of the following coaching specialties:
» Executive Coaching
Coach CEOs, leaders, and executives for optimum personal performance, motivational mastery, and outstanding business results.
» Personal – Life Coaching
Coach individuals to take charge of their lives and transform their career, relationships, health, personal development and spirituality.
» Organisational – Group Coaching
Coach groups of people to become high performing teams.
» Self Coaching
Apply NLP and NS coaching patterns to yourself for profound life transformation and personal mastery.
This transformational eight-day training program will challenge you to grow into power in the following three areas:
» You’ll emerge with a deep understanding of your yourself and a focused commitment to your life aspirations.
» Your strongest abilities and individual powers will be thrown into sharp relief; you will discover the place from which you will excel as a Coach and be empowered to Coach with and from your uniqueness.
» You will learn how to cast off previous struggle and confusion about balancing life and work.
» You’ll find how to integrate training, consulting, counseling and mentoring in a truly congruent life path.
You’ll gain credibility and confidence from a thorough grounding in the most advanced cognitive behavioural coaching models in the field including:
As the very first non-therapeutic model for facilitating change in the field of Coaching, the Axes of Change Model is becoming recognized by many academic institutions as the most cutting edge development in the field to date. Developed by Hall and Duval in 2003, based on Self-Actualizing premises and the naturally occurring change process of healthy people, this simple yet revolutionary model gives you as a Coach 9 integral skills for Coaching change and 9 critical roles to play as a change agent.
Where is your client in their process of change? How do you know? How much more skill development do you need before you will have the coaching skills of a Master? By what criteria are you measuring this? What is your benchmark for success? The NS model for benchmarking your skill development accelerates your learning, seeking to close the elusive knowing-doing-gap. This exhilarating model puts your theory to the test, by demonstrating what you can actually do – initially against 7 Core Coaching Skills and ultimately against 26 Coaching Skills. Through being benchmarked yourself you learn the art and science of shaping performance through benchmarking.
This revolutionary model for mapping human functioning brings together all the very best from the fields of Systems, NLP and NS into one comprehensive model. Initially developed by Dr. Hall in 2001 for working with the mind-body-emotion systems of humans this model has also become a critical model for working within organisational, family, and cultural systems. This model finally gives the new and experienced Coach a model for facilitating systemic change – using psychological premises and specific NLP and NS change patterns for knowing precisely what to do when.
There are three NS self-actualization models: the NS Self-Actualization model specifies thetheoretical frameworks of the concept of self-actualizing (making actual one’s potentials by mobilizing resources), the Marix of self-actualization, and the Self-Actualization Quadrants. These models detail the definition, meaning, components, and processes of actualizing one’s best possibilities. In the context of coaching, these models actualize the best visions in the human potential movement by Maslow, Rogers, Carl, and others by giving practical processes.
Embark on the life changing journey toward your dream business. You’ll gain the confidence and skills to build a highly-successful coaching practice that reflects your values, professional ethics, and life ambitions.
» Learn from people who are at the pinnacle of their profession. Fast-track your own business by hearing, questioning, and replicating the practices of expert coaches as you ask them about their marketing strategies, invaluable contacts, even their business secrets.
» Learn business models for marketing, how to charge, how to position and advertise yourself in the marketplace and more.
» Grow your wealth. Learn how to create a coaching business that is both professionally and financially rewarding.
» Learn how to help clients create a Business Plan by using a comprehensive yet simple planning methodology while you create or refine your own business plan.
You will model the expertise of 3 expert Coaches, taking their secret strategies of their success back into your own business and life. To learn more about our Expert Coaches click here
Who must attend this program?
» Coaches wanting to lead in the field of Transformational Coaching.
» Executive & Group Coaches wanting cutting edge methodologies for transforming people and organisations.
» Life Coaches wanting revolutionary models for helping people live extraordinary lives.
» Leaders and Managers committed to developing their employees and improving business performance.
» NLP and NS Practitioners wanting a sustainable and successful business model.
» Politicians committed to social, environmental, and economic change.
» Trainers wanting to dramatically increase learning transfer from public and corporate trainings.
» Individuals wanting efficient and powerful strategies for ‘walking the talk’ through Self Coaching.
» Parents and Teachers wanting to enable themselves and their children for life success.
» Psychologists, counselors and therapists wanting to add cognitive-behavioural Coaching to their practice.
» Individuals who genuinely want to make a difference in the world and who want to leave a legacy.
In the words of ACMC Graduates.
“Meta-Coaching is all about co-creation. It has given me the understanding that I can never create an outcome for you, but I can help you co-create your own miracle”
“The Meta-Coaching program delivers more useful and practical information per minute/ per dollar spent than any training program I have ever attended – and I have been to a great many of them. This is the best delivered and most useful piece of NLP/NS that I have attended in the last twenty-five years! A brilliant experience.”
“Meta-Coaching represents all high caliber presenters who are actively involved in the profession, and who are a credit to the field.and very knowledgeable. Fantastic!”
“There is no other course which compares to Meta-Coaching. Mind warping, healing, magical, life-giving, deeply moving and skills for action. Meta-Coaching offer a state-of-the-art approach to living”
Minimum pre-requisite training includes:
Module 2 – Coaching Genius
NLP or Meta-NLP Certification is highly encouraged.
ACMC pre-requisite reading includes:
- Users Manual for the Brain Volume, Bodenhammer & Hall or
Source Book of Magic, L Michael Hall - Secrets of Personal Mastery, L Michael Hall
- Coaching Conversations, L Michael Hall and Michelle Duval
- Figuring Out People, L Michael Hall & Bob Boddenhamer
ACMC suggested reading includes:
- The Matrix Model, L Michael Hall
- Meta-Coaching Volume 1, L Michael Hall and Michelle Duval
“Meta-Coaching represents all high caliber presenters who are actively involved in the profession,and who are a credit to the field ….and very knowledgeable.Fantastic!” Rhonda Coles,Career Coach,Sydney,Australia